Pet cat

Pet cat. The cat is one of the most popular pets, not surprisingly. She belongs to companion animals, is not too whimsical to care for and is quite clean.


The history of the domestication of cats goes back about 10 thousand years. It is believed that it was then in the Sumerian Kingdom, on the territory of modern Iran and Syria, that the mutually beneficial coexistence of man and the wild steppe cat began.

People at that time began to live sedentary, engaged in agriculture and had to keep their crops from rodents. Most likely, cats came to people on their own and began to live in the neighborhood. Wild cats caught rodents, and humans gave them shelter.

Scientists believe that it was from the territory of the Middle East that cats then came to Cyprus and Egypt. A joint burial of a man and a cat, found on the island of Cyprus, dates back to 7500 BC.
In ancient Egypt, there was a real cult of cats. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484 – c. 425 BC) described it as a very special and startling phenomenon. He argued that the position of cats extremely privileged: in a fire, people first of all rescued cats; in the event of a cat’s death, the family was in mourning for a long time, and the bodies of these sacred animals embalmed and buried with honors. During the Middle and New Kingdoms in Egypt, cats even relied on servants.

Egyptian civilization left behind many artifacts that confirm the special role of the cat. In modern museums, you can admire the figurines of cats made by skilled Egyptian craftsmen. Also preserved are stones, papyri, sarcophagi depicting cats.

But during the Middle Ages, for some reason, people took up arms against cats and began to consider them the offspring of the devil.

Many animals, especially black and red, destroyed or died at the stake along with their mistresses. After that, the number of rats and mice increased significantly and the plague epidemic began. Pet cat.

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