
Cherries. Among all summer seasonal berries, the most adored, perhaps, is the sweet cherry. It’s hard to find someone who has never tried it. And this is not surprising! After all, it combines a unique taste and a large number of useful properties.

The origin and types of cherries

The word “cherry” comes from the Latin “ceresia” which means “cherry”. The first written mention of this plant dates back to the 4th century BC, and belongs to the Greek writer Theophrastus. The ancient Greeks used berry juice as a medicine for stomach pain.
Now 80% of this crop grown in Europe. In Ukraine, the largest cherry orchards are located in the Melitopol district of the Zaporozhye region, where a quarter of the country’s annual harvest is harvested. In 2020, Melitopol cherry even received the title of a geographical brand.

All varieties of cherries originated from the wild “bird cherry”, which still grows in the forests of Western Asia, Southern Europe, North Africa, in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, and Ukraine. Today, more than 4000 varieties of this berry are known in the world, which differ in taste, color, pulp structure. However, the easiest way to distinguish cherries is precisely by their color.
Red. The most common type of sweet cherry, characterized by a bright red color. Red cherries are predominantly sweeter than lighter varieties.

Black. Painted in deep burgundy color. Most often it has a large size, juicy, sweet and fleshy flesh. The intense color, which is indicative of its anthocyanin content, makes it very healthy for the heart.
White and yellow cherries have a denser flesh and less cloying and sweet taste. It is suitable for preparing compotes, preserving and drying. By the way, light cherries contain more vitamin C, and they are also safer for allergy sufferers.
In addition, there are pink and orange varieties.

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