Аn open air market-exhibition – Vernissage, Yerevan, Armenia

In the late 80’s, when the vernissage started operating in Saryan Park, “Koziryok” got a new life. Later, his star slowly faded. We grew up, the human environment became thinner. Now in Koziryok I see more and more gray-haired people who are in the place of their memories.
If it were not for Koziryok, there would be no Vernissage. The artist FLOKF exhibited and sold his works in 1984-1985 in the park near “Koziryok”, as well as in the park of the Conservatory. It was a very unusual phenomenon. Sometimes he deliberately turned the pictures upside down to get extra attention.

One day I told FLOKF. “Can I show you some of my work?” He said “no” and from the tone of his answer I realized that I was actually asking a strange question. That’s how I started showing my work. In those years, Saryan Park was still fenced and we posted our works on the fence. Karen Demirchyan often came to the park at that time, watching the work of Levon Tokmajyan, who was finishing the statue of Martiros Saryan. One day Demirchyan, seeing us and our affairs, said. “Wait, we will think of something for you.” Then a legend spread that Demirchyan had the idea to open a vernissage.

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