
The red-eared turtle is the most common among lovers of domestic turtles. Unfortunately, this popularity also has the other side of the coin. A huge number of domestic red-eared turtles doomed to die or live in inappropriate conditions. Unscrupulous sellers often do not know or hide details from buyers in order to earn money. To make this happen less often, we will tell you in detail about the maintenance, feeding and care of this turtle.

The red-eared freshwater turtle, native to North America. Is especially common along the Mississippi River before it flows into the Gulf of Mexico.

She lives in a warm climate, in the southern states of the United States, from Colorado to Florida. But, its popularity is great. And now it often found in nature around the world, often posing a threat to the local fauna.

In its natural habitat, it needs such conditions: fresh water, places to warm up, dense vegetation and for a nest. Usually these are lakes, ponds, swamps, inflows.

Prefers reservoirs with warm water and a weak current, always with places above the surface of the water on which it will crawl out to warm up. Often in such places, they lie directly on top of each other. The bottom in such places is usually sandy or silted.

The range is usually limited by the water’s edge; aquatic turtles do not like to move far from the coast, although females need solid ground to lay their eggs.

Small turtles in nature feed on fish, snails, insects and various plants.

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